On Linux, you can setup disk quota using one of the following methods: * File system base disk quota allocation * User or group based disk quota allocation On the user or group based quota, following are three important factors to consider: * Hard limit – For example, if you specify 2GB as hard limit, user will not be able to create new files after 2GB * Soft limit – For example, if you specify 1GB as soft limit, user will get a warning message “disk quota exceeded”, once they reach 1GB limit. But, they’ll still be able to create new files until they reach the hard limit * Grace Period – For example, if you specify 10 days as a grace period, after user reach their hard limit, they would be allowed additional 10 days to create new files. In that time period, they should try to get back to the quota limit. 1. Enable quota check on filesystem First, you should specify which filesystem are allowed for quota check. Modify the /etc/fstab, and add the keyword usrquota and grpqu...