Install anything in Ubuntu!

Having problem in installing anything in your Ubuntu OS.Take the terminal and issue
the two commands that you can use are:

sudo apt-get install PACKAGE and sudo aptitude install PACKAGE

eg: For installing ssh server you have to issue

sudo apt-get install ssh

The sudo part of the command means you temporarily grant super-user/administrator rights to the command, provided you supply a correct user password

It’s also possible to search from the command-line like it is in Synaptic. Try this:

apt-cache search PACKAGE or aptitude search PACKAGE

To find several packages related to what we’re looking for, together with brief descriptions
apt-cache show PACKAGETo uninstall a package:

sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE and sudo aptitude remove PACKAGE

Removing configuration files as well:

sudo apt-get remove –purge PACKAGE and sudo aptitude purge PACKAGE or

sudo dpkg –purge remove PACKAGE

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